US Military Endurance Sports
EIN 27-3211191
PO Box 657, Boulder, CO 80306
What is AmazonSmile and how does it relate to the Amazon.com store website?
AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon with the same products, prices, and shopping features as Amazon.com. The difference is that when you shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to the charitable organization of your choice. It is simply Amazon's way of connecting you to charitable organizations using their store platform and technology...making it very easy and seamless.
How does that work and how can I donate to USMES?
AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support USMES every time you shop, at no additional cost to you. When USMES is linked as your charitable organization and you shop at smile.amazon.com or using the Android app, you will find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as you do on Amazon.com, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to USMES. For more detailed program information and frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the AmazonSmile, please visit http://smile.amazon.com/about.
Not sure if USMES is your current AmazonSmile charity?
No worries! Simply visit https://smile.amazon.com/gp/chpf/dashboard/ref=smi_se_mirp_dshb_smi to find out if USMES is linked as your charitable organization in your Amazon.com account. If USMES is already your preferred charitable organizatin, you may also visit this link to see your charitable contribution totals, overall totals USMES has received from the AmazonSmile program, and more!
Need even more in-depth information on the AmazonSmile Program and the AmazonSmile Foundation?
If you are interested in finding out even more about the AmazonSmile Program or the AmazonSmile Foundation, please visit https://org.amazon.com/ for a rundown of what AmazonSmile is doing to make the world and your community a better place.

How to select/link USMES as your charitable organization within your Amazon.com account.
Use AmazonSmile with Android app on your mobile device.
Contributing to USMES via the AmazonSmile program is easy on your Android mobile device. If you already linked USMES on your Amazon account and are an AmazonSmile customer, simply follow the instructions below to turn on AmazonSmile and start generating donations with each qualifying purchase!
- Ensure you have the latest version of the Amazon Shopping app on your Android device.
- Click on "View Settings" and select AmazonSmile.
- Follow the in-app instructions to complete the process.
If you do not have the latest version of the Amazon Shopping app, update your app through your device first.
AmazonSmile is currently not supported within the Amazon app on Apple iOS devices. You must log into your account on your mobile device via a web browser like Safari. More information is available on Amazon's website here: https://www.amazon.com/b?ie=UTF8&node=15576745011
American Servicemembers Amateur Sports (ASAS) Inc. (dba US Military Endurance Sports, USMES), are not directly affiliated with Amazon.com, AmazonSmile Foundation, or any other subsidiary organizations outside of the AmazonSmile Program. Program participation, logos, and references used throughout this site and official communications herein belong to their respective companies or organizations, and are deemed fair-use as outlined in the Participation Agreement. For more information on the AmazonSmile Participation Agreement, please visit https://org.amazon.com/agreement.